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Oregon Smart Growth Issues 2022 Local Candidate Green Lights and Endorsements

At its core, Oregon Smart Growth serves as a vital voice for responsible developers, investors and allied industries to guide state and local policy towards market-driven development trends that are more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable for Oregon’s future.

Lending that expertise to the current primary races, Oregon Smart Growth invited several candidates who are seeking a seat on Portland City Council and two candidates running for Metro Council President to participate in a green light process by completing a questionnaire; based on those responses, some were invited to participate in follow-up interviews.


In those conversations, the OSG Board of Directors sought to identify and evaluate how candidates' values and policies align with the values, principles, and vision of Oregon Smart Growth, including reducing regulatory barriers to dense walkable housing and mixed use developments, aligning regulations to encourage housing production and mixed-use development at all income ranges, and leveraging public investments in transit infrastructure with the right type of developments that will generate positive fiscal and environmental outcomes. As a result, several candidates were given the “green light” to signal that alignment to voters and the broader community. One candidate received Oregon Smart Growth’s endorsement, signaling our belief that this candidate will be a true champion and effective leader on OSG’s values and policy priorities.




Alisa Pyszka for Metro President

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